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      This drawing (ink on paper) is from a time shortly before I stopped drawing in general, 1994-1995 or so. I cannot claim this as an original design. It was reproduced from Kahlil Gibran's cover illustration of "The Prophet". I believe this illustration is on the cover of only a few editions. The one I had the privilege of using was a limited, elaborate, boxed edition. The cover illustration was embossed in gold on black dyed cloth.

      This brings up why I hand drew a reproduction of this err... hand. A friend of mine, the book's owner, wanted a tattoo of the cover illustration. The illustration being embossed made photocopying very difficult (way back then anyway). Photocopying was necessary to transfer the image to skin to ensure an accurate reproduction. The book overall was very fragile and would not stand up to the image being traced or rubbed. I offered to sketch it.

      Here I offer a scanned image, in two sizes, of that drawing, which now exists on the mid section of someone else's back. The tattoo artist did not do the piece justice if you ask me, but don't tell "you know who" I said that.

by: Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: January 27, 2010 5:00 PM
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