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The Godfather

Intro ] [ Life Story ]

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The story of my life. Well I could 
write a book about it, though it
would not be very interesting. What
remains in my mind most is the 
depression. My father died when
I was about two and there was my
sister and two older brothers.

Growing up we were always hungry,
and wore the same clothes day after day.
Those were the days kids used cardboard
because they had holes in their shoes.
Many families had chickens and there was
cows and pig farmers in the area
then. In those days what was
called the gang were friends. We played
baseball, tag football, hockey or swam
in the Charles river all day long.
We were the "river rats". Recently
some of the river rats had a meeting 
every year at Mosely's dance hall.
Lot of my friends played hockey
for the high school and college.
I played hockey till [I was] sixty-five
against former high school and
college players.

Both my brothers went to work
at fifteen. when I graduated from
high school all my friends were
hanging around the corner because there
wasn't any jobs. I got a job in
the restaurant and worked six years.
Then I became an optical worker for
thirty seven years. I ground 
sunglasses for Winston Churchill and
King Saud of Arabia.
I saw many changes in my lifetime
especially the high-technology.
The happiest time was when [I was]
being young and playing hockey. It
was like being in heaven.


by: Keith A. Pray
Last Modified: January 27, 2010 5:01 PM
© 2010 - 1975 Keith A. Pray.
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